Parents & Carers
We have prepared a handy ‘parents pack’ with everything you need to know in one place. Click the button below to download your copy.
There is also a separate PDF covering our SEN and Disability Local Offer.

Our Purpose
Provide early years focused education in a caring and nurturing environment.
By providing quality interactions (curriculum) and teaching that is tailored to meet the needs and interests of our children.
Children can demonstrate the Characteristics of Effective Learning which helps prepare them for their next steps in life.

Makes me feel good
When I’m painting at nursery, or at home,
Please, oh please, just leave me alone!
I know that to you it may look a mess
But really, really, I’m doing my best.
Don’t ask what it is, don’t say why that space.
And let me put three or four eyes on a face.
One day when I am older, I’ll conform, just like you.
But right now I am enjoying the colours and goo.
I paint cos I want to, it makes me feel good.
That green bit’s my garden; the red bit’s my blood.
So thanks for the paper, the brushes, the paint.
I might make a mess, you know I am no saint.
So give me an apron and put down some plastic
And I’ll paint you creatures, something fantastic.
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